“Do what you want to.” Life lessons from Slomo, the retired neurologist.

by Physician heal thyself

Hope you all are having a nice week.

I’ve been caught in a bit of a work cycle. A string of shifts that has left me unable to put together a blog post for the week. So instead of creating something, I thought I’d just share something I love instead.

Meet Dr. John Kitchin aka. “Slomo”. This video is a constant inspiration to me. I play it often whenever I need a little boost or a reminder about all that is important.

I highly recommend you take some time and enjoy wise words from this retired neurologist who discovered his recipe for happiness. It’s the best.



Taking some time to think about Slomo, there are a few pieces of wisdom we can take from this guru on roller blades.


1. “Do what you want to”.

It’s okay to pursue things that bring us pleasure and joy. Especially if they are not hurting anyone. Do more of the things that you love.


2. How much of today is promoting you financially and how much is promoting you spiritually?

Dr. Kitchen states that at the beginning of his career is was 90% spiritual and towards the end, it was 90% financial. How much of your career do you find a spiritual endevour? Do you feel real meaning and purpose in what you do every day? How can you keep yourself from making this job all about money?


3. Chasing after material things won’t make you happy.

Before he was Slomo, Dr. Kitchen owned a twelve-cylinder BMW, a Ferrari and an exotic animal farm. Yet, he found himself much happier when he stripped his life down to the bare essential. We hedonically adapt to what we are exposed to. Can you avoid getting caught up in the rat race?


4. Are you still “shovelling shit”?

Sometimes it feels like we so buried under a fountain of work that we don’t have time for anything else. The work is dictating our life and not anything else. It can feel like you’re stuck doing manual labour with no hope of escape. A colleague of mine, an anesthesiologist once remarked that he often feels like this when he’s driving to the hospital in the middle of the night.


5. “I don’t have to be a doctor until the last minute…..”

It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. You are not are stuck as you think. You can be anyone you really want to be, think any thoughts you’d like to think. Starting over, even in your sixties, is always possible.


6. Getting into a flow state naturally makes us feel happier.

For Slomo, that was trying to keep up a feeling of lateral acceleration. His explanation for this is really incredible. For others, keeping your complete attention on whatever task you are doing is the key to getting into “the zone”.


7. “Everyone has the capacity to dream up and think anything they want to.”

It’s possible to create your own personal delusion system. And you believe it because you choose to. Perhaps one where you’re kinder to others and love yourself more. That’s what I’m working on. What would you choose to believe?


8. “I’m just trying to get to the end of my life without trying to become an asshole again.”

Perhaps the best advice of all.


Hope you take a moment to soak it in and enjoy. This is really one of my favourite short films of all time. What did you think? Please share below!

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Smita Carroll, MD February 11, 2020 - 4:29 pm

“Do what you want to.” exactly what I am trying now 🙂 Enjoying your article. Love to read more 🙂

Physician heal thyself February 14, 2020 - 4:36 pm

Haha. Thanks so much! Hope you continue reading!


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